🤖 Chatbot
✰ Introduction

Chatbot Documentation

Welcome to the YourGPT Chatbot Documentation page, your go-to resource guide for creating powerful AI chatbots. YourGPT Chatbot is a No-Code AI Chatbot builder platform that allows you to create powerful AI Chatbot, Just like ChatGPT. It is a mutli-lingual chabot solution that support over 100+ languages. You can setup the chatbot under two minutes without any coding knowledge.

Chatbot Image

Get Started

Discover how to begin with YourGPT Chatbot, the custom ChatGPT Chatbot builder that learns from various data sources like your documents, webpages, FAQs, youtube videos and more. Unlock the potential of personalized ChatGPT chatbot trained on your data.


Learn how to install your custom GPT chatbot on different platforms:

Website Builders

Chatbot Integrations




Learn how to enhance your chatbot's skills by integrating it with various functions like System Functions, API Functions, Shopify Functions, WooCommerce Functions, etc.


Explore methods to customize your custom ChatGPT chatbot's appearance, behavior, and domain post-installation: