🤖 Chatbot
what is YourGPT Chatbot and how does it works

What is YourGPT Chatbot?

YourGPT Chatbot is a No-Code AI Chatbot builder platform that allows you to create powerful AI Chatbot, Just like ChatGPT. It is a mutli-lingual chabot solution that support over 100+ languages. You can setup the chatbot under two minutes without any coding knowledge.

How It works?

Our chatbot harnesses the power of state-of-the-art GPT models and cutting-edge techniques to provide users with precise, contextually relevant responses to their inquiries. Our chatbot solution offers features so anyone can easily build powerful AI chatbot effortlessly.


  • No-Code AI Chatbot Builder: Create your chatbot effortlessly, no coding required. Upload websites, documents (PDFs, DOC, CSV, TXT), FAQs, and plain text to empower your chatbot with information from various sources.
  • GPT-powered Intelligence: Harness advanced GPT models that understand and generate human-like responses, providing smart interactions with your customers.
  • Multi-Channel Integration: Seamlessly connect YourGPT Chatbot to websites, mobile apps, social media, and messaging services to engage customers on their preferred platforms.
  • Live Chat Support: Combine AI-powered support with on-demand human assistance, ensuring customers always receive the help they need.
  • Conversation Flow Design: Chatbot studio empowers you to effortlessly design conversation flows using intuitive drag-and-drop tools. This enables your chatbot to perform a wide range of actions, including making API calls, executing AI actions, and creating user journeys for seamless and dynamic interactions.
  • Lead Generation: Capture and nurture leads by integrating lead generation forms seamlessly into the chatbot experience, enhancing your customer acquisition efforts.
  • Multilingual Communication: Break language barriers by offering support in over 100 languages, expanding your global reach and connecting with customers in their preferred language.
  • Dynamic Actions: Perform dynamic actions using Functions. Interact with real-time external services for addressing varied inquiries.

Create Your Custom No-Code AI ChatBot (opens in a new tab)