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GPT Chatbot for Your Shopify Store | Integration Guide


Integrating GPT Chatbot with your Shopify store is a seamless process that enhances customer interaction. Follow these steps:

Install Chatbot App

  1. Go to the YourGPT Integration section and copy the provided widget script.
  2. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  3. Navigate to your store’s theme code.
  4. Paste the widget script into the appropriate section of your theme code.
  5. Save the changes to implement the chatbot.

Generating Token for Shopify (Chatbot Studio)

To generate a Shopify Auth Token, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a new app in your Shopify admin panel.
    • You can do this by going to Apps -> apps and sales channel -> Develop apps -> create an app.
  2. Fill in the app details.
    • You can use any name and email you like.
  3. After creating the app, go to Configure Admin API scopes.
    Shopify Admin API Configuration
  4. Select the scopes mentioned above and click the save button.
    Shopify API Scopes Selection
  5. After that, install the app and click on Reveal token once you will get your token.
    Shopify Auth Token Reveal

It is crucial to securely store your Auth Token as it provides access to your Shopify administration.


For further inquiries or technical support regarding GPT Chatbot integration with Shopify, feel free to contact us at Mail YourGPT Support or Chatbot Live Support.

We trust this integration will enhance customer engagement and satisfaction on your Shopify store!