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GPT Chatbot for Squarespace | Installation Guide

GPT Chatbot Integration For Squarespace


Connecting Your Chatbot with Squarespace


Integrating YourGPT Chatbot with your Squarespace website. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Sign in to Squarespace: Log in to your Squarespace account.

  2. Open Website Editor: In the top left corner, select EDIT.

  3. Edit Footer: Scroll down until you see the EDIT FOOTER button, then click it.

  4. Add Embed Block: Click the ADD BLOCK button in the left-hand corner, then select the Embed option.

  5. Edit Embed Block: Click to Edit the EMBED BLOCK section, and then select the Code Snippet option.

  6. YourGPT Chatbot Integration:

    • Visit the YourGPT Chatbot integration page.
    • Copy the provided code snippet from the Scripts section.
  7. Paste the Code: Paste the chatbot widget Script code into the Embed Block.

  8. Save Changes: Save your changes and then select DONE.

The ChatBot’s chat widget should now appear on your website.


For any further inquiries or technical support regarding GPT Chatbot integration with Squarespace, feel free to contact us at Mail YourGPT Support or Chatbot Live Support (opens in a new tab).

We hope this integration enhances interaction and value for your website visitors!