API Integration for YourGPT Chatbot | Installation Guide
Welcome to the Documentation page for YourGPT Chatbot APIs
Generating Keys
- Go to your
and click onmanage API integration

Now create one key.
Copy your
Generated API key

API Usage
success code : 200, type: RXSUCCESS
error code 400, type RXERROR
Create Session API
curl --location 'https://api.yourgpt.ai/chatbot/v1/createSession' \--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \--header 'api-key: pks-3e0a221e3dqweqwef0ecd123qe33a728e1dfa2a0ee01cc4ff8b8c99c21a45cff9' \--data-urlencode 'widget_uid=84292q0qw1eqw124-4173-af6e-569477ac9013'
{ "type": "RXSUCCESS", "message": "Chatbot session created successfully", "data": { "id": 1910677, "session_uid": 17226012685401506, "chat_mode": "1", "project_id": 197, "integration_id": 17, "state": "pending", "segment": "chat", "status": "open", "device_type": null, "platform": null, "ip": null, "country": "IN", "visitor_id": null, "is_emulator": false, "data": {}, "contact_id": null, "updatedAt": "2024-08-02T12:21:08.540Z", "createdAt": "2024-08-02T12:21:08.540Z" }}
Send Message API
curl --location 'https://api.yourgpt.ai/chatbot/v1/sendMessage' --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --header 'api-key: pks-3e0a221e3dqweqwef0ecd123qe33a728e1dfa2a0ee01cc4ff8b8c99c21a45cff9' --data-urlencode 'widget_uid=84292q0qw1eqw124-4173-af6e-569477ac9013' --data-urlencode 'session_uid=3977b1x2d-d1e1-0d5a-a473-a6841bc4c880' --data-urlencode 'message=hey there?'
{ "type": "RXSUCCESS", "message": "AI reply", "data": { "send_by": "assistant", "origin": "api", "session_uid": "39772b8d-d1c8-4d5a-a473-a6841bc4c880", "type": "text", "message_id": 241043, "message": "Hello! How can I assist you today?", "content_type": "picker", "id": 241043, "choices": [ { "icon": "π", "text": "I am satisfied", "value": "like", "enabled": true }, { "icon": "π", "text": "I am not satisfied", "value": "dislike", "enabled": true }, { "icon": "π¦Έ", "text": "Request a human operator", "value": "requesthumanoperator", "enabled": true } ] }}