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Roles & Privileges

OwnerCan view, update, add, and delete various elements; Has the privileges to create invitations.
EditorGranted permissions to view, edit, and update content; Does not have privileges to manage invitations.
ViewerLimited to viewing the project only; Can access the conversation tab.
OperatorCan view and manage conversations; Does not have access to the project settings.

Models & Credit Usage

GPT-3.51xCost-efficient model, best fit for small projects. Less efficient for function calling and studio.
GPT-420xBest performance for complex and multilingual tasks. Good for function calling and studio.
GPT-4 Turbo10xFaster and cheaper compared to GPT-4 model. Good for function calling and studio.
GPT-4o5xFaster & Cheaper compared to GPT-4 Turbo model. Supports text, audio, image, and video
GPT-4o Mini0.5xLatest and faster model for small task. Better than GPT3.5 Turbo. Supports text, audio, image, and video